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Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am back to blogging ;)

It is a long time since I have reported my orienteering adventure on this blog. After my injury last September, I took some time to think about my goals for short- and long- terms. I have decided to take navigation and physical out of my main focus for 2011. There are several psychological/mental barriers that stopped me from performing even better in 2010. As many professional orienteers comment that it is about a mental focus on a course, I have decided to spend some time to deal with such issues. I will focus more on mental preparation before/during/after the race rather than on technical and physical conditions.

I believe I should comment about the change of my blog. On December 2010 few great Ontario orienteers gathered together and decided to create a new orienteering club in Central Ontario based on Toronto, Aurora, Newmarket cities. We named it “VO2 Orienteering” with a slogan “Run to the Max.”

VO2 max is the maximum capacity of an individual's body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. The name is derived from V - volume per time, O2 - oxygen, max - maximum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VO2_max

After five out of six Winter Thomass series races, VO2 team was leading at club ranking, and even though VO2 finished second with a few points behind the club, which won it 4 years straight, our team did a great job with only few members. VO2 cooperated with Ukrainian Orienteering Club, which raised its membership to ~40 members. I will expect to see more members coming as soon as the real spring comes and orienteering season starts.

In the end, it will be interesting to see how my new focus will cooperate with a developing of a new VO2 team.
See you in the woods ;)

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